Sunday 20 October 2019

Let's start again..

Hey guys,
Welcome again!!!!!
It's been a long time we didn't seen each other. Since I am not a full time blogger I face few difficulties while posting on blog. Because of personal problems and work related issue I was not able to write on my blog. I offer my sincere apologies for that. In couple of days I am going to post a book review. Please keep supporting me.
And Keep loving "gurusreads". See you soon guys.
Guru Bargaje

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New year 2021

परत एक नविन वर्ष सुरुवात होणार....अगदी दरवर्षी होत तसच . पण या वर्षात आणि ईतर नविन वर्षात खुप फरक आहे. काय काय पहायला मिळाल, कित्येक अनुभव आ...