Monday, 17 December 2018

Book 2: what got you here won't get you there

Book name: what got you here won't get you there
( How successful people become even more successful !)
Author: Marshall Goldsmith

Often we come across books which are full of texts and images claiming they are best in motivation class or self help type but very few of them are practical enough to use them in our lives.
Out of many books I have read so far, I like this book for it's simplicity and to the point practical approach.The way Marshall go through every flaws of human behavior step by step is really worth appreciating.
There is a relation between our behavior and our surrounding. Our behavior,the way we think,the way we interact with other people can be associated with the society in which we live. What happens over time is these things we have been living with start influencing our life. Our behavior changes accordingly. Then one moment comes when all this behavior become a routine and we have absolutely no idea why we behave like this. In response to our behavior people's response got changed and then we start thinking what went wrong.
Marshall's book may help you find what may have gone wrong and what to do to correct it. Like a ready-made solution he gave common twenty habits which drags us back from getting successful. Being successful is not just bind to getting a big paying job or to own something valuable.Success can be of any form. Every individual have different perceptions about success. It depends entirely on what his or her priorities are.
With due respect to author I would like to copy down some of habits that should be avoided to achieve desired results. Like
1.adding too much value to every little thing
2.passing judgement and making destructive comment
3.being negative at Every stage
4. Failing to give proper recognition
5.claiming credit that we don't deserve
6. Making excuses
7 Refusing to express regret
8.not listening to what opposite person saying
9.passing the buck etc

It is much easy to judge others but when it comes to ourselves we fail to do so. In our own eyes we are always correct. But that is not the way how it works.
It's not like we don't know above mentioned points which I have mentioned but what happens is we fail to recognize it. Over time it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And then it becomes difficult to make them correct.
Let me give some examples:
1) your colleague have taken credit of your work.
2) you are talking to someone an important issue and he is not paying attention at all.
3)you suggested a brilliant idea to someone and then he added something to it and taken whole credit of that.
4) someone is blaming you for everything wrong happens to him and not taking responsibility.
5) you done a brilliant work but still nobody cares what you did even if that was only for them

Now you must have figured out how it feels when someone does it to us. Not every point mentioned above but we make some mistakes of it unintentionally and still not aware of it. This book made us think about it.
I think we all make mistakes. But they can be corrected if we know what they are.
If you want to correct your behavior first step to it to analyse yourself but with honesty. If you are failing yourself to recognize it then you can take help from someone whom you trust. He or she can be your friend,colleague,parents,spouse or someone you love. But the only thing important in this process is that feedback must be honest and should be given in order to improve and not to criticize.
Now it comes your turn. When your dear one given you the point in which you are bad at then you should not start to judge it. just listen. and be thankful for it. And try to improve in that area.
MARSHALL gave some tips that we can follow:
1) Apologize: apology makes people think that you honestly want to change
2) Work on it: just apology wont work if it is not backed by your work of self improvement. Your work will show people that you are changing.
3) Listen with respect: listen to what people talk about you. what their perspective about you. if they are something related to your rude behavior, try to accept and correct. dont criticize for it.
4) Get feedback: keep taking feedback from people you trust on your behavior. if they suggest something better then take it positively. you must be serious about it.
5) NEVER criticize the person whose whole intention is to help you.

Its take a longer time to change behavior and much more longer to get acknowledge by people. you must be patient throughout this whole process.

In essence, its our behavior in terms of how to deal with people while talking, appreciating,giving feedback,passing judgement etc. if we try to analyze our own behavior then it will be much more easy this transformations become. if we can measure something, we can manage that. and same applies to our behavior also.
i think its a nice self  help book that must be read by those who need to address their flaws.

Guru bargaje


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